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Saturday, September 17, 2011

7 Peringkat Antivirus Terbaik Tahun 2011

Antivirus adalah penangkal virus atau vaksin dari virus jahat yang hendak merusak komputer kita, maka dari itu bagi anda yang masih menggunakan Operating System (OS) Microsoft Windows maka diwajibkan untuk memakai antivirus, agar komputer anda tidak mengalami gangguan dari serangan virus komputer jahat. Di dunia ini ada banyak macam antivirus mulai dari buatan dalam negeri Indonesia maupun buatan luar negeri. Berikut 7 Peringkat Antivirus Terbaik Di Dunia Tahun 2011, yaitu :

1. Bitdefender Antivirus

Spesifikasi Dan Harga :
  1. Threat Detection: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Malware, Rootkit.
  2. Additional Protection: Browser exploit, OS exploit, Keyloggers, inbound email protection, outbond email protection, instant messaging protection, p2p/file sharing, registry startup protection, dialers, backdoors, hackers, phising, identity theft protection, adware, activex, vulnerabilities, cookies, scripts, full web protection, auto usb detect.
  3. Protection Technology: Virus signatures, whitelisting, heuristic, real time.
  4. Supported OS: XP (32 & 64 bit), Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
  5. Price: $ 29.95
2. Kaspersky Antivirus

Spesifikasi Dan Harga :
  1. Threat Detection: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Malware, Rootkit.
  2. Additional Protection: Browser exploit, OS exploit, Keyloggers, inbound email protection, outbond email protection, instant messaging protection, p2p/file sharing, registry startup protection, dialers, backdoors, hackers, phising, identity theft protection, adware, activex, vulnerabilities, cookies, scripts, full web protection, auto usb detect.
  3. Protection Technology: Virus signatures, blacklisting, whitelisting, heuristic, real time, security network.
  4. Supported OS: XP (32 & 64 bit), Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
  5. Price: $ 59.95
3. Webroot Antivirus

Spesifikasi Dan Harga :
  1. Threat Detection: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Malware, Rootkit.
  2. Additional Protection: Browser exploit, OS exploit, Keyloggers, inbound email protection, outbond email protection, instant messaging protection, p2p/file sharing, registry startup protection, dialers, hackers, identity theft protection, adware, activex, cookies, scripts, spam.
  3. Protection Technology: Virus signatures, blacklisting, whitelisting, heuristic, real time, security network.
  4. Supported OS: XP (32 bit), Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
  5. Price: $ 29.95
4. Norton Antivirus

Spesifikasi Dan Harga :
  1. Threat Detection: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Malware, Rootkit.
  2. Additional Protection: Browser exploit, OS exploit, inbound email protection, outbond email protection, instant messaging protection, registry startup protection, dialers, backdoors, hackers, identity theft protection, adware, activex, vulnerabilities, scripts, full web protection, auto usb detect.
  3. Protection Technology: Virus signatures, blacklisting, whitelisting, heuristic, real time, security network.
  4. Supported OS: XP (32 bit), Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
  5. Price: $ 39.99
5. ESET Nod32 Antivirus

Spesifikasi Dan Harga :
  1. Threat Detection: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Malware, Rootkit.
  2. Additional Protection: Keyloggers, inbound email protection, outbond email protection, registry startup protection, dialers, backdoors, adware, activex, vulnerabilities, scripts, full web protection, auto usb detect.
  3. Protection Technology: Virus signatures, blacklisting, whitelisting, heuristic, real time, security network.
  4. Supported OS: XP (32 & 64 bit), Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
  5. Price: $ 39.99
6. AVG Antivirus

Spesifikasi Dan Harga :
  1. Threat Detection: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Malware, Rootkit.
  2. Additional Protection: Browser exploit, OS exploit, Keyloggers, inbound email protection, outbond email protection, instant messaging protection, p2p/ file sharing protection, registry startup protection, dialers, backdoors, hackers, phising, identity theft protection, adware, activex, vulnerabilities, cookies, scripts, full web protection, spam, auto usb detect.
  3. Protection Technology: Virus signatures, blacklisting, whitelisting, heuristic, real time, security network.
  4. Supported OS: XP (32 & 64 bit), Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
  5. Price: $ 34.99
7. G Data Antivirus

Spesifikasi Dan Harga :
  1. Threat Detection: Virus, Worm, Trojan, Spyware, Malware, Rootkit.
  2. Additional Protection: Browser exploit, OS exploit, inbound email protection, outbond email protection, instant messaging protection, registry startup protection, dialers, backdoors, hackers, phising, identity theft protection, adware, scripts, full web protection,.
  3. Protection Technology: Virus signatures, blacklisting, whitelisting, heuristic, security network.
  4. Supported OS: XP (32 & 64 bit), Vista (32 & 64 bit), Windows 7 (32 & 64 bit)
  5. Price: $ 29.95

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